“COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the global economy. Few experts have predicted that the unemployment rate may increase by up to 30% as this pandemic comes to an end. Many people have already lost their job because of this pandemic, and the future doesn’t look good either. This article is especially for all unemployed people regardless of whether they were jobless before a pandemic or after, and learn how to schedule your day when you’re unemployed. There is a clear misconception on people that they only count things productive and meaningful if that makes money. You don’t get any credits for your hard work if you have done all the household chores and don’t earn a penny. It’s not only about staying at home, but it’s about how to spend your spare time. Staring at our mobile screen, sleeping, watching Netflix, or you have some productive things to do? R. Kiyosaki said “The only difference between rich and poor person is what they do in their spare time”ChatGPT

The global economy has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts have predicted a potential increase of up to 30% in the unemployment rate as the pandemic comes to an end. Many individuals have already lost their jobs due to this crisis, and the future prospects don’t appear promising. This article aims to provide guidance to all unemployed individuals, whether they were jobless before or after the pandemic, on how to effectively manage their daily schedules.

There is a common misconception that only activities that generate income are considered productive and valuable. However, completing household chores diligently without earning money doesn’t receive the recognition it deserves. It’s not just about being at home; it’s about how we choose to utilize our spare time. Are we simply glued to our mobile screens, sleeping excessively, or binge-watching Netflix? Or do we have more productive pursuits in mind?

Renowned author R. Kiyosaki once said, “The key difference between a wealthy person and someone who is financially struggling lies in how they utilize their free time.”

Numbers of jobless people are increasing day by day

This article is about how you can make your days worthwhile during quarantine even if you don’t have a job. Here is a simple daily routine to follow:

Wake up time

Try to get up early in the morning. If you are a morning person, aim for 5 a.m. to start the day fresh and energized. If you are not used to morning then getting up at 6 in the morning is also a good option. Adjust the schedule to suit your sleeping habits, but getting up early has its benefits.

Limit the use of gadgets

Avoid looking at your phone or other devices immediately after waking up. Using social media, watching random videos or reading articles can make you less productive in the early morning. Studies show that about 66% of young people check their phone as soon as they wake up in the morning.

Exercise and meditation

Start your morning with exercise and meditation to energize your body and mind for the whole day. You don’t need to sweat for hours like a professional athlete. Take a short walk in the morning, do light exercise or practice meditation. You can do these activities in your patio, garden or even in your bedroom during lockdown. Remember to drink a glass of water when you wake up after 7-8 hours of sleep. Aim for 20-30 minutes of exercise and 10-15 minutes of meditation.

Read for an hour

Develop a habit of regular reading to improve your knowledge, memory, concentration, analytical thinking and mental stimulation. Spending an hour reading a book early in the morning can help you learn something new, feel productive, and boost your energy for the rest of the day. If you are interested in starting your own business, read books about entrepreneurship and startups as they will directly help you achieve your goal.


Instead of having breakfast in bed alone, I recommend having it with the family. Interact with your family members who love each other unconditionally. Eating together and a little laughter and fun will make everyone’s day happy. Encourage everyone to refrain from using their mobile phones during breakfast.

Office time

Since you don’t have a job, you consider yourself both a boss and an employee. Wherever you are, that is your office and everyone you meet is a potential customer. If you are a civil engineer and looking for a job, use the time between 9 am to 5 pm to learn new engineering skills. For example, you can watch instructional videos on various software platforms like YouTube that will add new skills to your resume. Instead of spending time aimlessly with friends, visit construction sites, watch the work and learn from the people there (after the quarantine days). You can also visit construction sites where your colleagues are currently working. I recommend devoting 6 hours out of your 9th-5th grade schedule to learning relevant skills and 2 hours to job hunting and networking.


After working for yourself all day, take some time to have fun and laugh with your close friends. You can also specify a specific time slot to use social media and stay updated. I recommend spending 15-25 minutes on this every day.

Extra income

By extra income, I don’t mean a part time job. I’m talking about improving your financial intelligence and finding new ways to generate passive income. Take 2 hours to expand your financial knowledge. Use this time to learn more about share market, mutual funds, real estate, commodities, various business ideas and online money making skills. For example, if you spend two hours a day watching stock market news and videos for six months, imagine how knowledgeable you are in this field. When you feel confident, start investing your money while continuing to learn. Start with small investment and increase gradually. Remember: Experience is more valuable than money.

“Never depend on a single income. Invest to create a second source of income.”

-Warren Buffett


I urge you once again to have dinner with your family. During this, avoid discussing about work.

Sleep time

Before falling asleep, listen to your favorite music, say an affirmation, or read a chapter from a fictional book. Minimize screen usage as far as possible.


schedule your day
How to Schedule your day when you’re unemployed?


  1. Thanks for posting your suggestions for keeping a regular schedule when unemployed. I like some of your suggestions, however, dinner at 9pm? Are you European? That’s not healthy, so that is weird. Also, waking at 5am? Seriously? Why do that if you don’t have to?
    Anyway, thanks for the other suggestions, like reading and meditation, those are great.

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